

LED拼接墻 ■ 模塊化的結構設計,使安裝及維護更方便,并節省維護成本 ■ 能夠播放視頻、圖片、文字等各種宣傳素材,用途廣泛 ■ 智能亮度調節系統,防止能源浪費和光污染擾民 ■ 色彩、亮度一致性好,無馬賽克現象;真實還原色彩,畫面感更強;畫質細膩,觀看更舒適 ■ 超寬視角,顯示屏可視范圍更大,任意角度觀看畫面均清晰可辨 ■ 可分為戶外LED顯示屏和室內LED顯示屏

LED splicing wall
■ modular structure design makes installation and maintenance more convenient and saves maintenance cost
■ be able to play videos, pictures, words and other promotional materials, with a wide range of uses
■ intelligent brightness regulation system to prevent energy waste and light pollution
■ good consistency of color and brightness, no mosaic phenomenon; real restoration of color, stronger picture sense; fine picture quality, more comfortable to watch
■ ultra wide viewing angle, larger viewing range of display screen, clear and distinguishable viewing picture at any angle
■ it can be divided into outdoor LED display and indoor LED display

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