

智能衛浴魔鏡 1. 人體感應功能 ,可以感應人的到來,自動喚醒屏幕。 2. 智能推薦視頻, 根據用戶的喜好和設定自動推薦新聞短片,娛樂,政治,軍事,財經等。 3. 多用戶管理 ,可同時設定多個用戶的使用偏好。 4. 個性化應用,產品自帶有人體秤功能和皮膚檢測功能,通過對體重的實時監測,推薦合理的健身和減肥意見。 5. 針對個人的皮膚情況,推薦使用合適的化妝品。 還可以根據客戶的需求來定制個性化的應用。

Smart bathroom magic mirror
1. The human body sensing function can sense the arrival of human beings and automatically wake up the screen.
2. Intelligent recommendation video, which automatically recommends news clips, entertainment, politics, military, finance, etc. according to users' preferences and settings.
3. Multi user management, the user preferences of multiple users can be set at the same time.
4. Personalized application. The product has the function of body scale and skin detection. Through the real-time monitoring of body weight, reasonable fitness and weight loss suggestions are recommended.
5. It is recommended to use appropriate cosmetics according to personal skin conditions It can also customize personalized applications according to the needs of customers.

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